What are the main challenges that Brazil faces to prevent threats in the cybersecurity field, such as cyber attacks? Who are the social actors with a key role in this theme? How can they work together to mitigate existing risks? The search for answers to these questions encouraged the Igarapé Institute to systematize, analyze and gather the existing knowledge on Brazil’s cybersecurity governance landscape.


The Brazilian Cybersecurity Portal gathers analyzes, research, norms and other documents on national cybersecurity. Thus, it intends to strengthen the skills for a collective action by the civil society, the academic community, the public authorities and the private sector in order to build a more secure, cooperative, resilient and sustainable digital environment.

Approval of the Antiterrorism Law - 4128

Law nº 13.260 regulates what is registered in the item XLIII from the 5th article of the Federal Constitution, conceptualizing terrorism, dealing with exploratory and procedural dispositions and rebuilding the concept of a terrorist organization. This law modifies Law nº 7.960 (12/21/1989) and Law nº


Cyber Crimes Law (2012) - 4113

This law offers the Criminal typification of Computer Crimes, known as the Cyber Crimes Law. It also changes Decree-Law No. 2,848 (12/7/1940), of the Penal Code. A norma foi feita pela Secretaria de Operações Integradas do Ministério da Justiça e Segurança Pública (Seopi), que conta


Instruction 612/2019 (CVM) - 4028

CMV was created in 12/07/1976 by the Law 6.385/76, with the objective of supervise, normatize and develop the market of security value in Brazil; and, in its organizational structure it counts with a Superintendence of Information Technology (STI). According to the Instruction nº 612, it