What are the main challenges that Brazil faces to prevent threats in the cybersecurity field, such as cyber attacks? Who are the social actors with a key role in this theme? How can they work together to mitigate existing risks? The search for answers to these questions encouraged the Igarapé Institute to systematize, analyze and gather the existing knowledge on Brazil’s cybersecurity governance landscape.


The Brazilian Cybersecurity Portal gathers analyzes, research, norms and other documents on national cybersecurity. Thus, it intends to strengthen the skills for a collective action by the civil society, the academic community, the public authorities and the private sector in order to build a more secure, cooperative, resilient and sustainable digital environment.

GACC Activity Report (2019) - 4108

In 2009, through the Ordinance nº 13, there has been the creation of the Support Group for Cyber Crime (GACC) at the Federal Prosecution Service. Previous nominated as “Support Group to the Combat of Cyber Crimes”, GACC was created to support the institution on training MPF’s members, creating databases, as well as other relevant actions. Regarding the documents, it has already produced (1) GACC Activity Report (2019), which informs all actions taken place by GACC; (2) Deferred Prosecution Agreement (2008), in which São Paulos’s Federal Prosecution Service and Google get efforts to fight against child pornography on the internet; (3) Term of Mutual Cooperation with providers, in the context of the Parliamentary Inquiry Commission on pedophilia. The cooperation agreement signed between Federal Prosecution Service, Parliamentary Inquiry Commission on pedophilia, the CNPG, Federal Police, Safernet Brasil, CGI.br, Telemar, Brasil Telecom and Tim, with the purpose of joining efforts and cooperating in preventing crimes committed against children and adolescents on the Internet, (4); and Operational Integration Commitment Term, in which internet providers (such as UOL, IG, Terra, AOL, Click 21, ABRANET and CGI.br) – and MPF join efforts to fight child pornography, racism and other forms of discrimination on the Internet .

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