Portal Brasileiro da Cibersegurança – Por um ambiente digital mais seguro Skip to content

What are the main challenges that Brazil faces to prevent threats in the cybersecurity field, such as cyber attacks? Who are the social actors with a key role in this theme? How can they work together to mitigate existing risks? The search for answers to these questions encouraged the Igarapé Institute to systematize, analyze and gather the existing knowledge on Brazil’s cybersecurity governance landscape.


The Brazilian Cybersecurity Portal gathers analyzes, research, norms and other documents on national cybersecurity. Thus, it intends to strengthen the skills for a collective action by the civil society, the academic community, the public authorities and the private sector in order to build a more secure, cooperative, resilient and sustainable digital environment.

Knowledge and collective
action for a safer digital environment

In an increasingly connected society, the security of data, systems, networks, processes, digital infrastructures and people has become a topic of increasing attention. Countries worldwide face challenges to prevent cybersecurity threats. Throughout the past 20 years, Brazil has developed institutions, laws, norms and policies dedicated to addressing these challenges.


get to know

The Brazilian Cybersecurity Portal, created by the Igarapé Institute, gives visibility to the existing
plethora of documents and decisions that have shaped Brazil’s cybersecurity governance.
It integrates knowledge from different sectors to support a diverse and inclusive vision for cybersecurity. 





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The Brazilian Strategy

We developed an analysis of the Brazilian Cybersecurity Strategy that positions the document in a wider historical landscape and presents recommendations for a multistakeholder cybersecurity.



We mapped the key actors in Brazil’s cybersecurity governance ecosystem, including the contributions from private sector, civil society, government, armed forces, technical bodies and academic organizations, highlighting the diversity of views and agencies that have shaped Brazilian cyber policies.




We traced back two decades of events and developments in cybersecurity. Through a timeline, we present key events as well as the establishment of crucial documents, norms, institutions and initiatives for cyber governance in Brazil.

risks and recomendations

We mapped key trends and outlined concrete recommendations for a collective action in tackling digital security risks in Brazil. In the document “A multistakeholder agenda for digital security in Brazil” we outlined main important digital risks in Brazil according to multistakeholders meetings and a survey applied with experts.

Any suggestions of documents, actors or events for the Brazilian Cybersecurity Portal? 


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